If it wasn't for them Filipinos wouldn't be known worldwide. So I'm taking all this wonderful opportunity to thank and dedicate my little work of art to show how much I appreciate what they did for our country. They too needs to be credited not merely as a fellowmen but as our modern heroes. We all know that its tough to be away from your family and your country but they never did complain about anything at all when they worked abroad. Its because of their love for their families and the sake of our motherland. So I am proud to dedicate my sketch and say this message:
I also wanted to dedicate this one for my dad, Bertito Macahia who worked abroad for entirely 10 years. I am proud to say that even though you're away, you never failed to establish your role as our father. I'm proud of you because you are a good model and you did impart us a lot of good lessons to share and treasure. We love you and miss you dad.
And last but not the least. I want to thank Toblerone, Ms Janette Toral and the people who made and participated in this Thank you day opportunity. Thank you for making it all possible. God Bless us all.

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