What makes a smartphone a Genius phone? LG Optimus 2x and LG Optimus Black Story
Posted by
Gervie M.
8:57 PM
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
1st dual core smartphone,
android froyo,
genius phone,
LG Optimus 2x,
LG Optimus Black,
LG Philippines,
nova display
"Show off" I uttered right after I saw the new kid in our classroom. His name was Majesty, son of a prominent businessman. He became instantly popular because he was a rich kid. He has a personal butler who always carries his stuffs around. As for me, I was an average kid who enjoys the gadgets I earned online. I almost forgot the name that was bestowed on me was "Gervie".
One fine day, Maj brought his clunky DSLR with him. It seems he really wants competition so I took of my LG Optimus 2X right into my hand. It was a sure success as I stole his spotlight for a minute. I demoed how nifty the photos were even if it is still an 8mp cam versus his 10mp cam and it does package a full touch camera ui. Pissed and alarmed, he approached me and said "It's just a regular smartphone! What more can we expect? What a pity!" I answered "Even so if it was a smartphone I could make it a Genius phone if I wanted to".
Moments after our debate he threw his DSLR in mid-air. He snatched a new gadget from his butler's hands but before he could even say "We're going live in the HD videocam." I already hooked up my phone to the LED tv near us via HDMI port. His dumbfounded and pissed expression seems really smooth on HD1080p video.
His emotions bursts into anger as it sends the HD videocam crashing unto the floor. When he was a bit calm, he grabbed the top notch laptop from his butler and gave everyone a trail of jealousy. It sure was something that can't be easily top off but even so I have a 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 processor to cater tons of apps from the Android market itself and such apps can cater all my social networking and gaming needs.

He even dared to test the speed of my mobile internet but both yielded the same results since this 3G phone can support High Speed internet. I gave him a total insult that having a USB modem was definitely oh-so-selfish. I showed him how cool this genius phone is by using it as a WIFI hotspot at school to let my colleagues be connected to the internet. I showed him the main advantage of this phone in our career because it supports Adobe Flash 10.1 . As an IT student Flash is vital to our career since we will be specializing in the field of Animation and Web Development. With LG Optimus 2X, I can test run apps, games and preview animations I made at home. It was a swift victory against his gadgets. In the end I just can't help it to the befriend the poor kid( rich kid literally).

Just as we were about to go home an unexpected call broke, it seems my sibling have gone off to the far side of the city an lost his way. This is quite a shocker but I am a bit relieved because I knew he has a phone. A sibling of LG Optimus 2X which is LG Optimus Black. Maj offered me a ride but I didn't got the chance to hesitate because he was really persistent. As I was tracking and tracing my brother's location, he queried where did we get those phones. I told him that I won it from an online competition. He inquired how the two sibling phones (LG Optimus 2X and Black) differs. Technically it was just plain simple because LG Optimus 2X is known to be the 1st dual core smartphone in the world recorded in Guinness while LG Optimus Black is also the first smartphone flagship to have the super clear NOVA display. Judging from the specs its sibling predecessor has a decent 5mp cam with the same Android Froyo OS both upgradable to Gingerbread. And when it comes to memory support both can extend up to 32 gb on a micro sd basis. Arriving at my conclusion I could vividly see the glitter and sparkle in his eyes as I utter my personal experience with these feature packed phones.
I found my brother at the Tanauan Park using the preinstalled GPS and foursquare app and introduced him to my new found friend. We made our way home, bid goodbyes and the rest is history.
P.S. Genius phone formula = feature packed LG Optimus Series + Android OS + witty user. :D
Optimus is more than just smart. It’s genius. Visit lgoptimus.ph for more information!
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF = True
If Data1.Recordset("CrimeID") = Crimes Then
found = True
Exit Do
found = False
End If
If found = True Then
susname = Data1.Recordset("SuspectName")
caseno = Data1.Recordset("CaseNo")
compid = Data1.Recordset("CompID")
age = Data1.Recordset("SuspectAge")
Crimeloc = Data1.Recordset("CrimeLoc")
date = Data1.Recordset("FilledDate")
time = Data1.Recordset("FilledTime")
Command4.Enabled = True
MsgBox "No more record match", vbExclamation, "NO MATCH FOUND"
Command3.Enabled = False
End If
Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF = True
If Data1.Recordset("CrimeID") = Crimes Then
found = True
Exit Do
found = False
End If
If found = True Then
susname = Data1.Recordset("SuspectName")
compid = Data1.Recordset("CompID")
caseno = Data1.Recordset("CaseNo")
age = Data1.Recordset("SuspectAge")
Crimeloc = Data1.Recordset("CrimeLoc")
date = Data1.Recordset("FilledDate")
time = Data1.Recordset("FilledTime")
Command3.Enabled = True
MsgBox "No more record match", vbExclamation, "NO MATCH FOUND"
Command4.Enabled = False
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF = True
If Data1.Recordset("CrimeID") = Crimes Then
found = True
Exit Do
found = False
End If
If found = True Then
susname = Data1.Recordset("SuspectName")
caseno = Data1.Recordset("CaseNo")
compid = Data1.Recordset("CompID")
age = Data1.Recordset("SuspectAge")
Crimeloc = Data1.Recordset("CrimeLoc")
date = Data1.Recordset("FilledDate")
time = Data1.Recordset("FilledTime")
Command4.Enabled = True
MsgBox "No more record match", vbExclamation, "NO MATCH FOUND"
Command3.Enabled = False
End If
Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF = True
If Data1.Recordset("CrimeID") = Crimes Then
found = True
Exit Do
found = False
End If
If found = True Then
susname = Data1.Recordset("SuspectName")
compid = Data1.Recordset("CompID")
caseno = Data1.Recordset("CaseNo")
age = Data1.Recordset("SuspectAge")
Crimeloc = Data1.Recordset("CrimeLoc")
date = Data1.Recordset("FilledDate")
time = Data1.Recordset("FilledTime")
Command3.Enabled = True
MsgBox "No more record match", vbExclamation, "NO MATCH FOUND"
Command4.Enabled = False
If Command1.Caption = "Add Complaint" Then
Picture1.Visible = False
Command1.Caption = "Save"
Command2.Enabled = True
Command3.Caption = "Cancel"
Label3.Caption = X
time.Caption = Y
ElseIf Command1.Caption = "Save" Then
Picture1.Visible = True
Command1.Caption = "Add Complaint"
Command2.Enabled = False
Command3.Caption = "Back to Menu"
End If
edit.Enabled = True
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF = True
If Data1.Recordset("LName") = lsearch Then
found = True
Exit Do
found = False
End If
If found = True Then
MsgBox "Record Found!", vbInformation, "MATCH FOUND"
fname = Data1.Recordset("FName")
mname = Data1.Recordset("MName")
lname = Data1.Recordset("LName")
age = Data1.Recordset("Age")
contactno = Data1.Recordset("ContactNo")
sex = Data1.Recordset("Sex")
compid = Data1.Recordset("CompID")
MsgBox "Record Not Found!", vbExclamation, "NO MATCH FOUND"
lsearch.SelStart = 0
lsearch.SelLength = Len(lname.Text)
End If
lsearch.Text = ""
Command4.Enabled = True
End Sub
MsgBox "Record Deleted", vbExclamation, "Process"
fname.Text = ""
mname.Text = ""
lname.Text = ""
age.Text = ""
contactno.Text = ""
sex.Text = ""
compid.Text = ""
Picture1.Visible = True
Command4.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub edit_Click()
If edit.Caption = "Edit" Then
edit.Caption = "Save"
Data1.Recordset("FName") = fname.Text
Data1.Recordset("MName") = mname.Text
Data1.Recordset("LName") = lname.Text
Data1.Recordset("Age") = age.Text
Data1.Recordset("ContactNo") = contactno.Text
Data1.Recordset("Sex") = sex.Text
MsgBox "Update Complete"
Data1.Recordset("FName") = fname.Text
Data1.Recordset("MName") = mname.Text
Data1.Recordset("LName") = lname.Text
Data1.Recordset("Age") = age.Text
Data1.Recordset("ContactNo") = contactno.Text
Data1.Recordset("Sex") = sex.Text
fname.Text = ""
mname.Text = ""
lname.Text = ""
age.Text = ""
contactno.Text = ""
sex.Text = ""
compid.Text = ""
edit.Caption = "Edit"
If Command1.Caption = "Add Complaint" Then
Picture1.Visible = False
Command1.Caption = "Save"
Command2.Enabled = True
Command3.Caption = "Cancel"
Label3.Caption = X
time.Caption = Y
ElseIf Command1.Caption = "Save" Then
Picture1.Visible = True
Command1.Caption = "Add Complaint"
Command2.Enabled = False
Command3.Caption = "Back to Menu"
End If
edit.Enabled = True
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF = True
If Data1.Recordset("LName") = lsearch Then
found = True
Exit Do
found = False
End If
If found = True Then
MsgBox "Record Found!", vbInformation, "MATCH FOUND"
fname = Data1.Recordset("FName")
mname = Data1.Recordset("MName")
lname = Data1.Recordset("LName")
age = Data1.Recordset("Age")
contactno = Data1.Recordset("ContactNo")
sex = Data1.Recordset("Sex")
compid = Data1.Recordset("CompID")
MsgBox "Record Not Found!", vbExclamation, "NO MATCH FOUND"
lsearch.SelStart = 0
lsearch.SelLength = Len(lname.Text)
End If
lsearch.Text = ""
Command4.Enabled = True
End Sub
MsgBox "Record Deleted", vbExclamation, "Process"
fname.Text = ""
mname.Text = ""
lname.Text = ""
age.Text = ""
contactno.Text = ""
sex.Text = ""
compid.Text = ""
Picture1.Visible = True
Command4.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub edit_Click()
If edit.Caption = "Edit" Then
edit.Caption = "Save"
Data1.Recordset("FName") = fname.Text
Data1.Recordset("MName") = mname.Text
Data1.Recordset("LName") = lname.Text
Data1.Recordset("Age") = age.Text
Data1.Recordset("ContactNo") = contactno.Text
Data1.Recordset("Sex") = sex.Text
MsgBox "Update Complete"
Data1.Recordset("FName") = fname.Text
Data1.Recordset("MName") = mname.Text
Data1.Recordset("LName") = lname.Text
Data1.Recordset("Age") = age.Text
Data1.Recordset("ContactNo") = contactno.Text
Data1.Recordset("Sex") = sex.Text
fname.Text = ""
mname.Text = ""
lname.Text = ""
age.Text = ""
contactno.Text = ""
sex.Text = ""
compid.Text = ""
edit.Caption = "Edit"
competency exam
looping statements
Private Sub Command1_Click()
List1.AddItem Text1.Text
Text1.Text = ""
Label4.Caption = List1.ListCount
Command1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim remove As Integer
remove = List1.ListIndex
If remove >= 0 Then
List1.RemoveItem remove
Label4.Caption = List1.ListCount
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Label4.Caption = List1.ListCount
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim sort As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As String
sort = False
For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 2
If (List1.List(i) > List1.List(i + 1)) Then
sort = True
s = List1.List(i)
List1.List(i) = List1.List(i + 1)
List1.List(i + 1) = s
End If
Next i
Loop Until sort = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = " "
Command1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Label4_Click()
Label4.Caption = List1.ListCount
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If (Len(Text1.Text) > 0) Then
Command1.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private txtnum1, txtnum2, txtsum, txtdif, txtpro, txtquo As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
txtsum = txtnum1 + txtnum2
Text3.Text = Str(txtsum)
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
txtdif = txtnum1 - txtnum2
Text3.Text = Str(txtdif)
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
txtpro = txtnum1 * txtnum2
Text3.Text = Str(txtpro)
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
txtquo = txtnum1 / txtnum2
Text3.Text = Str(txtquo)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
txtnum1 = 0
txtnum2 = 0
txtnum3 = 0
Text1.Text = nNum1
Text2.Text = nNum2
Text3.Text = nSum
End Sub
Private Sub Label4_Click()
txtsum = txtnum1 + txtnum2
Text3.Text = Str(txtquo)
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
txtnum1 = Val(Text1.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_Change()
txtnum2 = Val(Text2.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Text3_Change()
txtnum3 = Val(Text3.Text)
End Sub
Private textmul, bill As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
txtmul = bill * Text1.Text
Text2.Text = Str(txtmul)
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = stext1
Text2.Text = stext2
End Sub
Private Sub Option1_Click()
If Option1.Value = True Then
Check1.Value = 1
Check2.Value = 0
Check3.Value = 0
Check4.Value = 0
bill = 12000
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Option2_Click()
If Option2.Value = True Then
Check1.Value = 0
Check2.Value = 0
Check3.Value = 1
Check4.Value = 0
bill = 1000
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Option3_Click()
If Option3.Value = True Then
Check1.Value = 1
Check2.Value = 1
Check3.Value = 1
Check4.Value = 1
bill = 700
End If
End Sub
Kuya Jaypee's $3500+ Christmas Givaway
Posted by
Gervie M.
3:13 AM
Monday, December 27, 2010
blog contest,
blog giveaway,
christmas giveaway,
elegant themes,
Christmas maybe a bit too over but not on this blog. By the end of December 30, 2010 midnight, Kuya Jaypee will be giving away these fabulous prizes to the lucky readers and subcribers of this blog. Isn't it fun? Guess Christmas isn't just over yet so get your entries ready by the end of december because you might as well won one of these awesome prizes.
1st Prize
1-year Publisher Plan from Scribe SEO ($324)
1 Pro-Plus package from StudioPress ($249.95)
1 Developer Theme Package from WooThemes ($150)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1-year Freedom-CDN Plan from WP Webhost ($120)
1-year Pro Account from Wibiya Web Toolbar ($118.80)
1-year Starter Plan from Reinvigorate ($100)
1-year subscription to Website Monitoring from website-monitoring.com ($59)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
1-year domain (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
$20 cash via PayPal courtesy of DiTesco
2nd Prize
1-Year Publisher Plan from Scribe SEO ($324)
1 Genesis/Child theme package from StudioPress ($79.95)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1 Club Membership from Elegant Themes ($39)
1-year Advanced Hosting Plan from Hostentic ($116)
1-year Pro Account from Wibiya Web Toolbar ($118.80)
1-year Starter Plan from Reinvigorate ($100)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
1-year domain (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
$10 cash via PayPal courtesy of MukhangPera.com
1-Year Publisher Plan from Scribe SEO ($324)
1 Genesis/Child theme package from StudioPress ($79.95)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1 Club Membership from Elegant Themes ($39)
1-year Advanced Hosting Plan from Hostentic ($116)
1-year Pro Account from Wibiya Web Toolbar ($118.80)
1-year Starter Plan from Reinvigorate ($100)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
1-year domain (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
$10 cash via PayPal courtesy of MukhangPera.com
3rd Prize
1-Year Publisher Plan from Scribe SEO ($324)
1 Genesis/Child theme package from StudioPress ($79.95)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1 Annual Access Membership from Flexi Themes ($49.95)
1-year Freedom Plan from WP Webhost ($80)
1-year Pro Account from Wibiya Web Toolbar ($118.80)
1-year Starter Plan from Reinvigorate ($100)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
1-year domain (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
$10 cash via PayPal courtesy of MukhangPera.com
1-Year Publisher Plan from Scribe SEO ($324)
1 Genesis/Child theme package from StudioPress ($79.95)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1 Annual Access Membership from Flexi Themes ($49.95)
1-year Freedom Plan from WP Webhost ($80)
1-year Pro Account from Wibiya Web Toolbar ($118.80)
1-year Starter Plan from Reinvigorate ($100)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
1-year domain (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
$10 cash via PayPal courtesy of MukhangPera.com
4th Prize
1 Genesis/Child theme package from StudioPress ($79.95)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1 Basic Theme Package from WP Now ($49)
1-year Freedom Plan from WP Webhost ($80)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
1-year domains (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
$10 cash via PayPal courtesy of MukhangPera.com
1 Genesis/Child theme package from StudioPress ($79.95)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1 Basic Theme Package from WP Now ($49)
1-year Freedom Plan from WP Webhost ($80)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
1-year domains (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
$10 cash via PayPal courtesy of MukhangPera.com
Consolation Prizes
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
6 – 1-year domains (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
1 Premium Theme from WPZOOM ($69)
1-year subscription to Privacy Pro from Privacy Pro ($35.95)
6 – 1-year domains (.com/.net/.org/.info) courtesy of Jehzeel Laurente ($11.99)
Jaypee is also giving away 5 Globe Tattoo USB dongles courtesy of Abe Olandres of YugaTech ($20/each) to all contestants from the Philippines.
Contest Sponsors
Scribe SEO
WP Zoom
Elegant Themes
WP Now
WP WebHost
Hostentic Web Hosting
Wibiya Web Toolbar
Privacy Pro
Website Monitoring
Jehzeel Laurente
Abe Olandres
Mukhang Pera
Scribe SEO
WP Zoom
Elegant Themes
WP Now
WP WebHost
Hostentic Web Hosting
Wibiya Web Toolbar
Privacy Pro
Website Monitoring
Jehzeel Laurente
Abe Olandres
Mukhang Pera
1. Subcribed via email to JaypeeOnline's RSS feed then confirm it in your email.
2. Blog about this contest like this one.
3. Leave in the comments section your links.
P.S. Does my banner qualify? I really love editing and if ever i will win a domain i'll my personal website. :D
My Brother's Christmas Entry: Kung Fu Santa
Posted by
Gervie M.
5:07 AM
Thursday, December 9, 2010
abstract art,
kungfu santa,
plain sketch,
I'm so proud of my brother, at the current state that he's in now he has surpassed me and my expectations from him. Keep it up. Guess all that teasing and criticizing have really whipped up an effort to developed his talents. Look at what he's done. Congrats! I'm a proud kuya. :D
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